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International openness

Our school has long cultivated international openness by making linguistic diversity a key element of its school project.

This openness is illustrated by the variety of modern languages studied from elementary school onwards, as well as by the various international projects and partnerships offered from secondary school to higher education.

Learning English in school...

Starting in primary school, all classes learn English but above all practice it. This learning is reinforced by the ‘Erasmus +’ project for teacher mobility. Students become familiar with different pronunciation and discover everyday vocabulary. In Cycle 3, the introduction of writing and the establishment of grammatical structures provide the first foundations for a good command of the language.

All the children discover the Anglo-Saxon culture thanks to workshops to taste typical products (breakfast….), workshops of creations (Christmas cards…), singing workshops, video…

In nursery school, a first approach to English allows the little ones to hear the different sounds of another language.

The school is also involved in an exchange project with an English school: the Wath Youth School. Each year we welcome 4 students and their teacher in the classrooms for activities with our pupils.

Trained teachers teach English at different levels through a range of exchanges:

A room dedicated to English, the English classroom, has been set up in the school:


English training for teachers at La Salle Primary School as part of the European mobility scheme ‘Erasmus +’.

See also how our teachers put into practice learning English with their students.

Linguistic diversity

Primary school
  • Teaching English from Year 2
  • Introduction to German in last 2 years
High School / Secondary School
  • Possibility to learn 2 languages starting in 1st year secondary school: English/German or English/Spanish
  • Introduction to Italian
  • Option – European Language and Culture from 3rd year secondary school
  • European option of German language from 3rd year secondary school until the end of high school
  • First foreign language: German or English
  • Second foreign language: German, English, Spanish or Italian
  • Third foreign language: Spanish, Italian or Japanese
  • Cambridge exam preparation
  • Foreign assistants to develop oral skills
Higher Education
  • Intensive practice of at least two foreign languages, including English, which is compulsory in each of our higher education programs, and a second foreign language: Spanish, Italian or German
  • Introduction to Japanese option
  • Oral practice – individual interviews with teachers who teach in their native language
  • Courses and lectures are given in English
  • Possibility of taking the TOEIC exam for all students

Language exchanges and stays

A school dedicated to International Business studies

Created in 2005, the school of management and international trade La Salle emci has allowed us to extend the training in International Trade and to offer students a complete course in 5 years which combines the techniques and strategies specific to international exchanges, cross-cultural management and the intensive study of languages.

International Trade course in 5 years:

  • 2-year undergraduate program (BTS) in International Trade with European credits: a course leading to a national diploma recognized by companies
  • 1-year undergraduate degree program (Bachelor) in ‘Import-Export Area Manager’ – State-certified qualification: follow-on course to the International Trade program and a work-study program working in a company for at least 6 months
  • Master’s Degree in International Development Management (Bac+4 /+5): Y1 => 1-year study program abroad in one of our partner institutions + Y2 => 1-year specialization (work-study program)

ECTS credits

Based on the European credit transfer system, our International Business courses allow students to obtain 60 credits per year, for a total of 240 credits over 5 years.

Preparation for foreign language diplomas

such as the TOEIC, DELE, WIDAF or CELI, diplomas recognized by companies and essential to optimize recruitment.

Internships and prospecting missions abroad

In our 2-year undergraduate International Trade, a compulsory internship abroad of at least 4 weeks and a prospecting mission abroad for regional companies.


ERASMUS” Study Abroad Program

After obtaining the Bachelor’s degree in ‘Import-Export Area Manager’, students have the opportunity to study abroad for one year, either on university courses or on a company internship. During this year they obtain 60 ECTS credits.

A network of foreign partners from universities and business schools with which we have signed a bilateral agreement allows us to send our students to continue their studies in one of the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Scotland, Spain, Holland, Croatia or Italy and also allows us to welcome foreign students for a year of study in the Bachelor’s class.

LEONARDO” Internship Program Abroad

The LEONARDO project organized in partnership with our Professional High School and the ZESPOL SCKOL N4 High School in the city of TYCHY in Poland allows young students of Professional Baccalaureate to carry out one of their internships abroad, in a country of the European Union. This internship in Poland offers a total immersion in a foreign country with the discovery of its inhabitants, its technical culture and its daily life.

At the end of their internship, students receive a EUROPASS certificate attesting to their experience abroad. The use of English allows dialogue before tackling the subtleties of the Polish and French languages.

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