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100% of boarding students pass the Baccalaureate

The boarding school offered by our school are ‘on-site’, located on our St-Louis site, 22 rue Désiré Claude. It gives priority to high school students, starting in the first year of high school. The facilities are mixed.

The boarding regime includes: room, breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The boarding school is a reception service, a place to live, a privileged place to work, to learn about social life as well as cultural openness. It is organized around a pedagogical and educational project and governed by specific regulations.

The rules of procedure

The rules and regulations of the boarding school apply to both minors and adults; registration as a boarder implies, without any doubt, the duty of tolerance, respect for others in their personality and beliefs, as well as respect for the rules and obligations of life in community.

The boarder agrees to respect these rules during their stay in the boarding school. They are placed under the responsibility of the establishment during their stay (except for authorization of absence allowed by the family).

In general, boarders can arrive on Monday morning before 8 am or after 5 pm.


As part of the academic follow-up at the boarding school, study periods is mandatory on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm (departure time for the meal) and from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm.

On Wednesdays, unless families advise otherwise, boarders are allowed to go out from 12:00 to 5:30 pm.

New: Student volunteers from the Jeunes.ensemble42 association will offer academic tutoring to boarding students in the evenings, from 6:00 to 7:00 pm., to help them with their homework.


On the Saint-Louis site, the boarding school can accommodate 39 girls and 39 boys from the high school, in completely renovated premises located within the school grounds.

Boarding accommodation includes: room, breakfast, lunch and dinner. The card service is the same as for day students (student cards required).

The adminitration officer and boarding school employees are present in the evening from 4:30 pm until 8 am. The boarding school is open from Monday morning 7:45 am to Friday morning 7:45 am.

During the day, it is open from 12:00 to 13:20.

It is closed on weekends and during school vacations.

Access and information

The boarding school is very easy to access because it is located in the city center of St Etienne, on the tramway axis. It is therefore very easy to get there from any train or bus station, by taking tram line 1 or 3, to Solaure, Anatole France stop. The boarding school is ideally located in a shopping area, close to the Jean Monnet University, and 800m from a shopping center (Centre 2).

Person in charge: Michel AILLET

Information +33 4 77 43 24 93

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