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The core values of Lasallian educational

Or how the Lasallian teacher, John Baptist de La Salle, founder of the Christian Schools, inspired our education system.

The Lasallian School is a 'means of salvation':

Young people are at the heart of the Lasallian school, which strives :

The Lasallian School considers education as an endeavor

The Lasallian School bring together the effort of cultural and human progress with the proclamation of the Good News of Jesus Christ, and in this way :

The establishment's core values

In close connection with the Lasallian Educational Values, our school has drawn up its school values, detailed below:

Portes Ouvertes au Campus !

Rejoignez-nous le mercredi 12 mars entre 14h et 21h pour nos JPO consacrées à l’enseignement supérieur !
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