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La Salle Saint-Louis Sainte-Barbe

Our establishment La Salle Saint-Louis Sainte-Barbe is a private school under contract with the State located in the center of the city of Saint-Etienne.

We welcome students from the very youngest section (from 2 years old) to post-baccalaureate classes (Master’s degree level) in 5 different units:

Member of the national and international Lasallian network

With more than one million students, the La Salle educational network is present on every continent. It includes nursery schools, elementary school, secondary schools, high schools, universities and training centers. Its vocation is to provide everyone with an education in keeping with the humanistic principles of its founder, Saint John Baptist de La Salle.

The Lasallian educational project

While visiting our website, you will discover the educational and pedagogical teams as well as the pedagogical and pastoral activities that make our Lassallian educational project come alive.

Indeed, we educate the young people entrusted to us in the light of the Gospel values and the pedagogical, educational and spiritual intentions of the Founder of the Congregation of the Brothers of the Christian Schools: Saint John Baptist de La Salle.

At Lasallian schools, pupils and students are placed at the heart of the educational project from the moment they enroll.

The Lasallian school is open to all. A school that welcomes all families regardless of their ethnic, social or religious background. These families give us their trust and pursue a common objective: the global development of the young person in all his or her intellectual, physical, emotional, social, moral and spiritual dimensions. Of course, this objective can only be achieved while respecting the history and the freedom of conscience of each and every person.

At La Salle Saint-Etienne, each student is welcomed, considered, listened to and supported throughout his or her education by a committed, caring and willing educational and teaching community.

An educational community that proposes a diversity of activities so that each young person entrusted to us can reveal their talents and be apprecied for their skills, not only intellectual but also manual, sporting and artistic.

Strong commitments

Dear Parents, you will have understood that our project is based on strong commitments:

A true partnership based on trust

However, remember that there can be no successful education and teaching without a true partnership based on trust between you, the parents, and us, the educational and teaching teams.

In view of the symbol of the Lasallian family, know that we all aspire to make the star that is in each of our students shine, and to lead them to their level of excellence by giving them the love, kindness and hope they deserve.

Partners and local authorities

Portes Ouvertes au Campus !

Rejoignez-nous le mercredi 12 mars entre 14h et 21h pour nos JPO consacrées à l’enseignement supérieur !
Soutenez-nous Taxe d'apprentissage