Product Realization Process Design
2-year undergraduate program
Semesters 1 to 4
- Par voie scolaire ou apprentissage
- En 2 ans
The holder of the BTS Conception of the processes of realization of products (CPRP) is a specialist of the processes of production by removal or addition of materials. As the designer of the associated processes, he is involved throughout the production chain (definition – industrialization – production, assembly and control) of the mechanical elements that make up industrial sub-assemblies, whether they are consumer goods for the general public, capital goods for companies, specialized tooling or high value-added mechanical assemblies.
And because a short interview is better than a long speech, we asked Corentin and Moryne to share their experience of the BTS CPRP :
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- Provide a technical and economic response to a request
- To design the process of realization by integrating all the constraints
technical, economic and environmental - Prepare, launch and optimize the production of a sub-assembly
- Manage the realization of a sub-assembly
- Managing teams
- Collaborate with partners
Course details
General subjects
- General culture and expression
- English
- Mathematics
- Physics Chemistry
Professional subjects
- Behavior of the mechanisms
- Design of the mechanisms
- Process design
- Testing and realization
Course organisation
Professional openings
In all sectors of the metallurgy and industry(plastics, aeronautics, etc.), the company is involved in a wide range of activities,
and in production-related departments: workshop technician,methods department technician,quality department technician.
Admission requirements
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Registration and information
- Contact
- Training begins in September