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Human Resources Officer

1-year undergraduate program
Semester 5 & 6

Certified RNCP level CEC 6 – 1-year programme – 180 ECTS credits


Today, the Human Resources function is faced with real societal challenges. It has become a real marketing asset to attract, retain and ensure the sustainability of companies.

In partnership with SUP Des RH, a reference school in France and abroad in the field of HR, La Salle campus offers a Bachelor’s degree in Human Resources which can complement the BTS GPME.

And because a short interview is better than a long speech, we asked Morgane to share with us her experience of the Bachelor CRH :
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  • To be immediately operational in order to manage the HR files assigned to you
  • To bring your expertise in fields of application of human resources such as: recruitment, management of staff careers, payroll, relations with company representatives, advice on regulations and employment law
  • To manage the operational and strategic aspects of the HR functions
  • To be an actor in the development of human capital

Course details

  • Development and monitoring of HR management tools
  • Application of individual employment law
  • Contribution to the animation of social dialogue
  • Skills management and professional career
  • Recruitment and employee adaptation
  • Management of professional training
  • Management of payroll and employee/ employer contributions

Each block leads to a lifelong qualification certificate issued.

Course organisation

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Professional openings

  • Right-hand man of an SME manager for all HR matters
  • Consultant in an HR firm, a recruitment firm or in HRIS
  • HR assistant
  • Payroll Manager
  • Recruitment officer

Admission requirements

  • The course is open to applicants with a 2-year undergraduate diploma
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Registration and information

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