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Water Management

2-year undergraduate program
Semesters 1 to 4


The holder of the BTS ME works in the water treatment, distribution, sanitation and purification sector.

Working with the engineer, he or she has the necessary skills to manage a team and ensure the technical management of the installations.

It is responsible for operating a network to ensure that the water distributed is both of good quality and available in sufficient quantity. He organizes maintenance operations, controls the production process, intervenes in the event of a problem, identifies the quality of the water and gives instructions for the treatment to be carried out according to the installations.

The graduate can exercise his profession in the framework of local authorities, water distribution or user companies, design offices and research teams, equipment suppliers and specialized administrations and agencies.

And because a short interview is better than a long speech, we asked Renaud to share his experience of the BTS ME :


  • Manage and ensure the proper operation of facilities in their context, taking into account the overall effects on the environment (direct or indirect pollution) and the management of the corresponding by-products
  • Participate in technical studies in various fields (environment, design and transformation of installations, research and development…)
  • Participate in the construction (piloting, monitoring, control) of facilities;
  • To adapt to technological developments, particularly with regard to instrumentation, electromechanical equipment, automation and remote transmission and monitoring systems;
  • Intervene and ensure the link with external partners (customers, partner companies, suppliers, administrations…)
  • Manage a team;
  • Assume administrative and commercial management tasks.

Course details

General studies
  • Culture & general studies
  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Physics / Chemistry
Professional studies
  • Operation of treatment units and networks (process engineering, hydraulics, electrical engineering, automation and control, biochemistry, biology and microbiology of water)
  • Quality, health, safety & environment: environmental & industrial risks
  • Professional relations & team management: contact with decision-makers, internal & external communication, skills development management
  • Design of water treatment units & system facilities: preparation of specifications, choice of treatment process, design of treatment units, project implementation

Course organisation

  • During the course, there are 2 internships carried out in a company for a total of 12 weeks, in France or abroad, in order to put into practice the courses studied throughout the year and to gain invaluable professional experience.

Professional openings

  • Operating technician for drinking water or sanitation
  • Technical studies technician
  • Project design technician
  • Urban hydraulics study technician

Admission requirements

  • The course is open to applicants with a general or technical baccalaureate or equivalent high school diploma.

Registration and information

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